Monday, June 27, 2005

Compare OT and NT-2

Another interesting comparison of the Old T and New T:

In the book of Ezekiel 2-3
1) An mighty angel appeared before Ezekiel
2) A hand stretched out to him, a scroll of a book is in it
3) Ezekiel was asked to eat the scroll
4) the scroll is sweet like honey in his mouth
5) after Ezekiel ate of the scroll, the Lord asked him to judge the house of Israel

In the book of Revelation 10
1) An mighty Angel appeared before John
2) He had a little book open in His hand
3) John was asked to eat the little book
4) the book is sweet as honey in his mouth, but bitter in his stomach
5) after John ate of the little book, he was asked to prophesy again about many people, nations, tougues, and kings

I have yet to discover the interesting secret of the scroll, but notice the word 'again' Revelation 10:11, it means the prophesy happened before.

Pastor mentioned that 'little book' is refering to the New Testament, so is the scroll of book eaten by Ezekiel, refering to the Old?

Anyone has anything to share?


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