Thursday, June 30, 2005

I will never leave you nor forsake you.. (Jesus)

I was counting God's favour and blessings since last Thursday, and still counting...

I believe it started earlier, on Thursday, I heard God teaching me to pray a new prayer on my jobs. Few months ago my boss was complaining the company sales figure is low, so I prayed for more job (not led by the Spirit) and indeed. There're so many jobs that everyone in studio were busy.

When this almost robbed me of time going for mid-week service, I find it not right, because God said in Psalms 10:21 When He blessed us riches He would add no sorrows to it. So that night, on the way to church, i asked God about the work situation and He said: Because you pray for more job mah! don't pray like that, pray like this: Lord, give me less job, but more profits!" (sounded very singlish, but I thought the Lord is very close to me when He talk in that simple way) I almost jump on the spot; it's so God! such a powerful prayer, and so show off the grace of our Lord, less work, more profit! Isn't it like God, always want us to rest in Him, that He may bless us more and more? So I shared this with many sisters and brother. Lo and behold, few days later we receive news that we won a pitching job, which gives us a great margin of profit, and it's a job which my staffs has no care and put not much effort when they were doing the proposal.

I really believe more is to come. Yesterday night, God give me another prayer: Pray and set a hatch around the company from those job with difficult client, troublesome procedure and little, or almost no profit margin, block them from even coming into the company. Passby us and go to other studios! hahaa!! (ok the last line was from me). So I prayed and set a hatch around my studio from jobs the have low profit, and I amen it in Jesus name.

"To he who work not, but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness" - Rom 4:5

I thank the Lord for counting me righteuos in Him, and I thank Abba for qualifing me for such blessing, surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my live, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forver!

Amen amen!


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