Tuesday, August 02, 2005

His love is greater then wine...

This is what i feel about receiving His love.. i know actually it's much more...

Sunday service simply blow me off myself. Started in the morning, the Lord directed me to the books of John, simply because he is 'the disciple whom Jesus love', and i wanted to read topic about 'love'. So here I go, 1 John 4, 3rd John 2 and John 1... The Things of God is always simple and powerful. When i see how John descript Jesus's love to him, it's the 'Truth' that kept him around, and Pastor Prince further confirm that, among Jesus's disciples, he lived the longest, and among all, he was entrusted to take care of Mary, Jesus's natural mother, and he was the one glorified Jesus showed a spectacular view of Revelation of Christ!

How interesting, the originally, youngest among all disciples, the one who looks the weakest, while Peter yelling about his loyalty at the last supper, John simply leaned against Jesus bossom, hearing the heartbeat of his Lord. How was it like? to be very near to one, whom you know for sure, His love for you is certain.

John called himself 'disciple whom Jesus love', not because Jesus love him the most, but because he believe so, and by that, Jesus is able to show the most love to him! This same amount of love couldn't reach Judas because he didn't believed Jesus love him too!

I believe He love me, beyond the heaven and earth. i was created by Him, through Him and FOR HIM! How can He not love me? He love SO much He is willing to die for me! and not just plain death, but by humiliation, torture and suffering.

The book of John ended with:
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

Amen! and Amen!


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