Thursday, June 30, 2005

Twenty-third to twenty seventh

23/6 - Thursday (The Lord anointed my head with oil and my cup runs over)
My work finished supernaturally on time, and i happily packed and off to the church. On the way I received a wonderful prayer from the Lord. I sat in for a tremandous service by the first female preacher from my church, preaching on the armour of God and refuse to believe bad news. After the service i met 2 sisters and we sat down for supper until almost mid-night, sharing revelation, blessing and prayer for each other. Praise Jesus for that night.

24/6 - Friday (He is my very present help in time of needs)
Handling a tideous project and had not gotten client's approval even on the final deadline. I was supposed serve in church but because of the project, client demanded me to stay back for immediate access to do fine-tuning to the so-called 'final artwrk'. After sms-ing my team leader, i started busying with the constant phone calls and changing on artwork and send back to client for checking. By the time i took a break, it was way pass 9pm. Service is over.

I was still stuck in the office, alone. My leader called and check on me, hearing her voice, the warmth of love raises and my tear came out like floodgate open. She reminded me: Jesus is with you, He's there doing overtime with you, it's ok, don't feel guilty for not able to serve, the Lord understand.

I told her it's not the guilt, but the tireness of the body after few days of doing over-time, i thought after Thursday service, i should be able to serve on Friday, enjoying God's rest again.

After she hanged up, another sister called, i asked for prayer. So in few minutes time, many sms came in to encourage and strengthen me. I asked my leader: you told everyone I cried is it? she said: I only told Jesus!

I went home with buckets of blessing.

25/6 - Saturday (be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!)
I woke up at 8.45am. The moment I on my mobile phone, I received client's message, urging me to send the latest file to her by 9am. So I rush to office, do what was asked. This time i do not give chance to devil, I play "you gave" CD and loop it, let the pressence of the Lord fill the whole studio, since i was the only one there. It was great.

After few hours of changing artwork-send to client-waiting for call cycles, i bumped into ann who was working and happen to on-line, we chat and she asked if I am staying for whole day. My immediate thought was: I don't know what time I can finish. However, the Spirit is quicker to catch me, and put down No! In Jesus name!

Ann said 'amen' and agreed with me, i believe God put her there to agree with me and to encourage me, to break the bondage of devil to keep me in this over-time mood. 10 minutes after her 'amen'. Client called and release me for the day, for she also had no idea what time the approval would came in. However she demand me to stayby on Sunday in case client has any changes. I said ok.

Hallelujah! Praise Jesus and so i left office, met ann and another 2 sister for shopping, eating and fellowshipping, and we found so much favour upon us that day, whatever we said or desired came to pass very fast, almost immediately! We were so full of God's love. We were so blessed!

26/6 - Sunday (rest in the Lord) (Jesus is my Prince of Peace)
Aware that client will called anytime, after attending service, enjoying Pastor Joshua's sermon, i didn't called anyone to meet, just myself and Jesus, went to Ya Kun for little quiet+kopi time.

After reaching home at 3pm, i was in this shut-down mood and simply refuse to have any idea of going back to office, be it last minute changes or what (so was it called; final draft since friday). I sat in my room, told Abba: I want to rest, Abba, i don't want to go back office...

Hours passed, no call, Praise Jesus! I went to sleep at 11pm.

27/6 - Monday (You shall stand and see your salvation!)
Email from client marked 11pm, Sunday. hahaa! Thank you Abba. I did the changes, a few rounds of coming to and fro, client came down at 6pm to confirm the work. We ended it at 7 something.
I went home and had peaceful sleep, thank you Jesus!

Moral of the story is, evil day won't be able to prolong so long as you stay in the Lord!

Amen and amen!


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Amen and amen! when enemy came in like a floor, He raise up a Standard against them!

Eve had a divine encounter last night. Your remembered she always said she doesn't know why she didnt cry not even once in the presence of the Lord.

She cried last night!

Tat was awesome, How God can minister to us right there we were.

He would never leave us nor forsake us, Amen!


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