Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tear bottle

It's our privillege to be able to cry before our Abba God.

When I was in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olive, the tour guide pointed to us this Church, Can't remember the name, but according to him, here's where Jesus wept for the children of Israel: Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem, how I wish to gather you under my wings, yet you would not..

The church name has got something to do with tears... that's why the church has these bottle-like ornament at the corners of it's roof. The tour guide told us: That's tear bottle. The children of Israel will gather their tears in this bottle. He said: in the story of a great sinner came crying at Jesus' feet, and wash Jesus feet with her hair, she pour out her tear from the tear bottle. Jesus said: She loves me much...

There and then, I felt so touched, isn't it heart-warming to know that, the Lord cares for your tears? The Lord told me, every drop is previous to me. Every drop that caused by the evil one, He will make them pay! and every drop that cause by the joy of the Lord, it's like an offering to God (because you don't cry for the male character who got cancer in the Korean TV show, but you cry because you know and experience God's love for you)

I remember the song written by one of our church's worship leader: I fall at Your feet, declare you are my King, I cast my cares before You, Your peace shall reign in me...

Evertime I hear this song, it reminds me of that woman who throw herself at Jesus' feet, if I were her, i won't even dare to lift my head, but I want to see this saviour! (she might thought), so she might steal a look at Jesus, and man! how would she feel, when she saw Jesus was gazing at her, with all that grace, all that love, her world would have no one else but Jesus then! Oh! and how would she react, when she heard Jesus defends her, and said of her: she loves me much.. oh Lord!

Tears of sorrow become tears of joy, when she emptied her tear bottle, Jesus fill that bottle with tears of joy, heavenly joy of knowing, Jesus love you. He love you with all His might, all His Spirit, all His Soul, all heaven and earth cannot compare to what He has to love you. Just imagine, this God who created heven and earth, using the same power, even more! to love you!

How not to love Him?

Praise Jesus and Jesus alone!

Amen and amen!!!


At 12:49 AM, Blogger Danz said...

wah.. Jou.. That's the most beautiful photo taken of the tear bottle shaped church. This helps me to remember what my tour guide said when I was in Israel too. He said that all the tears were being collected in this tear bottle. The amount of tears shed indicates the amount of love that person had for another who passed away. It's so interesting to know that there's such custom exists. Something that's so unheard and amazing. Well, God is a very sentimental, just and righteous Daddy God.


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