Thursday, August 18, 2005

Bible study (Deautronomy)

Another reading from Israel Today, simply confirmed what pastor teach about ' there's no middle ground'
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When I go abroad to speak about the current situation in Israel, I always begin with the following verse from Deuteronomy “I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.”

The word curse isn’t very popular these days. But I didn’t choose it. God did. Pick up a newspaper, read a magazine, turn on the television or just walk down a city street. Everywhere you turn, it’s increasingly evident that faith in God and in His Word is not the world’s view. But this doesn’t change the fact that we’re talking about a life and death decision.

Today, the majority of the world’s population no longer believes in God or uses the Bible as its plumb line. And because people don’t know the Word of God, they accept anything that comes down the pike, from convoluted gibberish to unreliable media reports about Israel. But in a court of law, unbelief and ignorance won’t protect the defendant from being punished for his actions.

God lays blessing or curse before all mankind, giving every individual the freedom to choose between the two. He doesn’t coerce anyone. He wants us to make our choices freely. He wants obedience to come from our hearts.

In Numbers 24:9, it’s written, “Blessed is everyone who blesses you [Israel], and cursed is everyone who curses you.” You may say, ‘I have never cursed a Jew!’ That may well be true. But if you’ve withheld blessing, you’ve effectively done the same.

If I neglect to feed a child, he will die of malnutrition and dehydration. The sin of omission would bring the same result as if I murdered him deliberately. It’s the same principle with blessing and curse. Jesus said, ‘He who is not with Me is against Me’ (Matthew 12:30).

There is no middle ground in the Kingdom of God; there isn’t any “no-man’s land.” You can’t be neutral. It’s not enough to talk of a loving God and live in a grey zone. Speaking to the church at Laodicea, the Lord minces no words. “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit [literally, vomit] you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16).

There is no middle ground on this issue. Those who choose not to bless Israel become an ‘empty shell,’ which is the meaning of the Hebrew word for “curse.” Such a person will experience what God wrote on the wall for Belshazzar—that he has been found wanting, like an “empty shell,” which is blown away by the wind (Daniel 5).

The Bible is not a salad bar from which we can pick and choose what we like. If we don’t take God’s instructions about Israel seriously, we loose the very heart of God and diminish our ability to receive what we need from Him in our personal lives. Israel is that central to His unfolding plan of redemption for all mankind.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger cybeRanger said...

Absolutely, there's no middle ground... Choose Grace or Choose Law...

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Danz said...

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At 11:03 PM, Blogger Danz said...

eh.. dear.. I was just wondering about some stuffs.. u can disagree wif my comments, yah? what if a person doesn't constantly remember to bless Israel, does the person fall short of His Grace and eventually blessings? I dun think so?

This particular statement sorta brings my antennae up on high a little. ".... You may say, ‘I have never cursed a Jew!’ That may well be true. But if you’ve withheld blessing, you’ve effectively done the same...."

There are some believers who don't really bless Israel as much as some believers do.. for instance, myself.. I don't normally remember to do so unless someone or the Holy Spirit reminds me. There are also some believers who are not even aware that they "ought" to bless Israel coz their pastors did not bring up the topic.. However, this may bring forth some stress to others who doesn't understand the grace message. And it might even end up becoming a law in the other believer's life.

well.. I can also say that this is indeed a good post to allow believers to be aware of saying forth blessings to Israel and it will in turn, also bring forth blessings into their lives.. so as to speak, perhaps some clarification is needed somewhere? hee..

no offense intended.. ;)

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Fish Tank is broken! said...

hi! Sharon: I understand what you mean, that's why we need grace of God to keep us constantly under His blessing! We'll not fall short of God's grace so long we do not put ourselves under the work of law, if we say: oh we must bless israel if not we are curse cause God say so..then we are doing the flesh of work again. To bless them according to spirit is more efficient then let the flesh work. This article can be quite radical cause there are christian who don't support israel with a bit of anti-semitism, thinking is the jew who kill Jesus (We all know it's no). I think there's where it comes.

thanks for response it show you read it thoroughly..hahaha

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Fish Tank is broken! said...

hi! Sharon: really want to thank you for picking up this topic, just when i 'm thinking abt that, this verse jump out to me: where sin abound grace much more abound. if really like that writer said: "if we don't bless israel we are cursing them!" does that mean we sin? like you said some christians don't even realise abt israel. the point is, even if we sin unknowingly, God's grace still work on us and much more abound! if you know even if you don't support Israel God still bless you, won't you feel His love and grace? the writer quote book of rev on luke warm church, we all were taught well enough to understand that's refering to the law + grace balance church! if we bless israel out of obligation, then it's no better then work of law! it's NOT what we do, it's what He has given. thanks sharon you bright up my day. hahaha

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Fish Tank is broken! said...

hi! Bible sponge:

Thanks for visiting, i dropped by your blog just now, may i ask why is that 10 Comm at the side of the blog?


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