Friday, June 02, 2006

Enjoying His presence

Yesterday i rename my nick in msn: Pastor's hair is hard to touch-up! Well i wasn't complaining, as the matter of fact i was doing it in joy. My stomach started grumbling at around 10am, but once i started putting the layout together, i forgot about my hunger, forgot about air-con too cold, forgot about it was lunch time.

How time flies in new place, it's been 2 months since i joint. Everything is new and fun, exploring new ideas, even little thing like putting in chuch logo has so much joy in it, and when i saw my name appear in the magazine, it was like a dream!

The Lord continue to teach me to enjoy Him and rely on Him more and more, after sharing with my new colleague, who came in with so much similarity in experience, we both felt that the Lord is SOOOOO gracious to us.

For those who wants to join the church full time, i'll be lying if i said working in our church is not good, but be led by the Lord. For me, working in church only came across as an idea, i never expected it to come to pass. i still remember put aside application form that was half filled, and i guess the Lord wants to give me a push, so He brought me to interview before the filling up form part. Hmm.. tricky.